Andrea (2006), "Understanding Consumers' Collective
Action on the Internet: A Conceptualization and Empirical
Investigation of the Free- and Open-Source Movement,"
Research Synopsis, Cumulative Habilitation at the
University of Innsbruck, April, 2006, 66 pages.
This research synopsis offers a comprehensive overview of four main research areas which have been investigated for the purpose of understanding why online consumer communities engage in collective innovation and how they organize this activity in a sustainable manner.
- Bauer, Martina, Sylvia von Wallpach and Andrea Hemetsberger (2011), "‘My little luxury’ - a consumer-centered, experiential view," Marketing Journal of Research and Management, Vol.33(1), 57-66.
- Roland Schroll, Andrea Hemetsberger, and Johann Füller (2011), "Fine Feathers Make Fine Birds - Community Brands and Branded Communities," Advances in Consumer Research, Vol.38.
- Ralf Weinberger and Andrea Hemetsberger (2011), "Men, Bags, and the City - Male’s Adoption of Non-Traditional Gender Aesthetics," Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 38.
- Hemetsberger, Andrea, Christine Kittinger-Rosanelli and Barbara Müller (2011), "‘Grandma’s Fridge is Cool’ - The Meaning of Retro Brands for Young Consumers," Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 38.
- Hemetsberger, Andrea and Christian Reinhardt (2009), "Collective Development in Open-Source Communities: An Activity Theoretical Perspective on Successful Online Collaboration," Organization Studies,Vol. 30, 9, 987-1008. Journal link.
- Hemetsberger, Andrea, Christine Kittinger-Rosanelli and Sandra Friedmann (2009), ""Bye Bye Love" - Why Devoted Consumers Break up with their Brands," Advances in Consumer Research, Vol.36,430-437.
- Kozinets, Robert, Andrea Hemetsberger and Hope Jensen Schau (2008), "The Wisdom of Consumer Crowds: Collective Innovation in the Age of Networked Marketing," Journal of Macromarketing, Vol.28, 2, forthcoming.
- Pichler, Elisabeth A. and Andrea Hemetsberger (2008), "Driven by Devotion: How Consumer Interact with their Objects of Devotion," Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 35, 439-443.
Pichler, Elisabeth A. and Andrea
Hemetsberger (2007), "Hopelessly devoted to you: Towards an
extended conceptualization of consumer devotion," Advances
in Consumer Research, Vol.34, 194-199.
- Hemetsberger, Andrea and Georg Godula (2007), "Virtual Customer Integration in New Product Development in Industrial Markets - The QLL - Framework," Journal of Business to Business Marketing, Vol.14, 2, 1-37.
- Hemetsberger, Andrea and Georg Godula (2007), "Integrating Expert Customers in New Product Development in Industrial Business: Virtual Routes to Success,"Innovative Marketing, Vol. 3 (3), 28-39.
- Hemetsberger, Andrea and Christian Reinhardt (2006), "Learning and Knowledge-building in Open-Source Communities - a social-experiential approach," Management Learning, Vol.37, 2, 187-214.
- Hemetsberger, Andrea (2006), "When David becomes Goliath: Ideological Discourse in New Online Consumer Movements," in C. Pechmann and L. Price (eds.), Advances in Consumer Research, Vol.33, 494-500.
- Hemetsberger, Andrea (2005), "Creative Cyborgs: How Consumers Use the Internet for Self-realization," Advances in Consumer Research, Vol.32, 653-660.
- Botschen, Günther and Andrea Hemetsberger (1998), "Diagnosing Means-End Structures to Determine the Degree of Potential Marketing-Program Standardization," Journal of Business Research, Vol.42, 2, June, 151-159.
- Bauer, Martina, von Wallpach, Sylvia and Andrea Hemetsberger (2012), Luxury & myself - how luxury experiences contribute to consumer selves, Proceedings of the 41st EMAC conference, Lisbon, 2012.
- Andrea Hemetsberger (2011), "'Hey, what’s in it for us?' - How to Initiate and Maintain Participation and Collaboration with Creative Consumer Crowds," special session abstract, ACR conference, St. Louis, 2011.
- Andrea Hemetsberger (2011), "The democratization of markets through entrepreneurial communities," special session abstract, EIASM Workshop on Interpretive Research, Odense.
- Andrea Hemetsberger and Sylvia von Wallpach (2011), "Multi-Stakeholder Brand Identity," special session abstract, Proceedings of the 40th EMAC conference, Ljubljana 2011, CD-ROM.
- Kjeldgaard, Dannie, Hemetsberger, Andrea, Luomala, Harri, Mastrangelo, Dania, Östberg, Jacob, Pecoraro, Maria, Pichler, Elisabeth A. and Lia Zarantonella (2011), "Revisiting the Euroconsumer: Insights from a Multi-sited Study of the Cultural Meanings of Coffee Consumption," European Advances in Consumer Research.
- Hemetsberger, Andrea, Melanie Hoppe, Kurt Matzler, Caroline Mühlbacher and Elisabeth A. Pichler (2010), "Sensing and Experiencing the Transformative Power of Private Brands - An Investigation into Passionate Consumption of Lingerie," Proceedings of the 39th EMAC conference, Copenhagen, CD-ROM.
- Hemetsberger, Andrea and Robert V. Kozinets (2010), "Talking to Creative Consumer Crowds in the Age of Networked Marketing," in: Niels Kornum and Hans Mühlbacher Virtual Stakeholder Dialogue in Interactive Marketing, special interest group abstract, Proceedings of the 39th EMAC conference, Copenhagen, CD-ROM.
- Emrich, Oliver, Rudolph, Thomas and Andrea Hemetsberger (2010), "Motivational Directions in fun-oriented Online Behavior," Proceedings of the 39th EMAC conference, Copenhagen, CD-ROM.
- Hemetsberger, Andrea, Christine Kittinger-Rosanelli and Barbara Müller (2010), "The Meaning of Retro Brands for Young Consumers," Proceedings of the 6th International Conference Thought Leaders in Brand Management, Lugano 2010.
- Hemetsberger, Andrea and Christian Reinhardt (2009), "The Invisible Coat-tail: Successful Collaboration in Open-Source Communities," Proceedings of the international conference on Media, Knowledge & Education: Exploring visualized and collaborative knowledge spaces.
- Botschen, Günther and Andrea Hemetsberger (2009), "Aesthetics-driven Retailer Branding," Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the European Association for Education and Research in Commercial Distribution (EAERCD), Guildford, England 2009.
- Hemetsberger, Andrea and Hans Mühlbacher (2009), "Do Brands Have an Identity? A Critical Reflection and Extension of the Brand Identity Construct," Proceedings of the 38th EMAC conference, Nantes, 2009.
- Hoppe, Melanie, Andrea Hemetsberger, Elisabeth A. Pichler and Kurt Matzler (2009), "The Transformative Power of Brands - An Investigation into the Relationship between Self-transformation and Consumer Passion," Proceedings of the 38th EMAC conference, Nantes, 2009.
- Kjeldgaard Dannie, Dania Mastrangelo, Lia Zarantonella, Jacob Östberg, Harri Luomala, Andrea Hemetsberger and Elisabeth A. Pichler (2009), "Saving Regional Marketing Theory from Glocalization? Or: What is the Context Anyway? Insights from a multi-sited study of the cultural meanings of coffee consumption", EIASM Workshop on Interpretive Research, Milan, 2009.
- Matzler, Kurt, Elisabeth A. Pichler and Andrea Hemetsberger (2009), "Passionate Devotees or Knowledgeable Brand Experts - Who Drives Evangelism?," Proceedings of the AMA winter educators' conference.
- Kozinets, Robert, Andrea Hemetsberger and Hope Jensen Schau (2008), "Creative Consumers in the Age of Networked Marketing: A Typology of Creative Online Crowds," 37th EMAC conference, Brighton, 2008.
- Hemetsberger, Andrea (2008), "Between Idealism and Realism: Negotiating the Entrepreneurial Role of the Free and Open-source Movement in Contemporary Economy," special session abstract, Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 35, forthcoming.
- Mühlbacher, Hans and Andrea Hemetsberger (2008), "What the Heck is a Brand? An Attempt of Integration and its Consequences for Research and Management," Proceedings of the 7th International Congress Marketing Trends, Venice 2008.
- Hemetsberger, Andrea (2007), "Consumers' changing roles from creative communities to entrepreneurial tribes," European Advances in Consumer Research, Proceedings of the 8th European Association for Consumer Research Conference, Milan, 2007, forthcoming.
- Robert V. Kozinets and Andrea Hemetsberger (2007), "Creative Consumers in Online Consumer Networks: Exploration of Theoretical Implications," special session abstract, European Advances in Consumer Research, Proceedings of the 8th European Association for Consumer Research Conference, Milan, 2007, forthcoming.
- Koll, Oliver, Andrea Hemetsberger, Elisabeth A. Pichler and Sylvia von Wallpach (2007), "The Nature and Social Dynamics of Brand Interest Groups", Proceedings of the Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management, Birmingham, CD-ROM.
- Matzler, Kurt, Elisabeth A. Pichler and Andrea Hemetsberger (2007), "Who is spreading the word? The influence of extraversion and openness on consumer passion and evangelism," Proceedings of the AMA winter educator's conference, 2007, San Diego, forthcoming.
- Matzler, Kurt, Todd A. Mohradian, Johann Füller, Andrea Hemetsberger and Lisa Pichler (2007), "Identification with brand community and brand knowledge: Individual determinants and behavioural consequences," Working Paper, Proceedings of the Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP) conference, Las Vegas, 2007, forthcoming.
- Thelen, Eva and Andrea Hemetsberger (2006), "Losing Direction - Consumers' Wayfinding and Instore Search Behavior," special session paper, Proceedings of the Eirass Conference, 2006.
- Hemetsberger, Andrea and Clemens Pirker (2006), "Images of Nostalgia - Effects of authenticity and nostalgia on the evaluation of visual images," Proceedings of the Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP) conference, Miami 2006.
- Hemetsberger, Andrea and Georg Godula (2006), "Integrating Expert Customers in New Product Development in Industrial Business- Virtual Routes to Success," Proceedings of the 14th international Working Seminar on 'Production Economics', 165-178.
- Hemetsberger, Andrea (2006), "When David becomes Goliath - Ideological Discourse in New Online Consumer Movements, Advances in Consumer Research, Vol.33, 494-500.
- Hemetsberger, Andrea, Clemens Pirker and Thomas Pixner (2006), "Positioning by key visuals - branding the South Tyrolean family farm vacation," Proceedings of the TTRA conference, Dublin, 2006.
- Hemetsberger, Andrea, Clemens Pirker and Herbert Pretterhofer (2006), "Is it the body or the brand? Effects of idealized versus non-idealized female models on self esteem and ad evaluation," Proceedings of the 35th annual conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Athens, CD-ROM.
- Mühlbacher, H. Andrea Hemetsberger, Eva Thelen, Christine Vallaster, Christine Kittinger, Rudolf Massimo, Johann Füller, Clemens Pirker and Robert Schorn (2006), "Brands as Complex Social Phenomena," Proceedings of the Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management, Birmingham, 2006.
- Hemetsberger, Andrea and Georg Godula (2005), "Customer Integration in New Product Development - The QLL ("cool") - Framework," Proceedings of the 34th annual conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Milan.
- Hemetsberger, Andrea and Christian Reinhardt. (2003), "Sharing and Creating Knowledge in Open-Source Communities - The case of KDE," Proceedings of The Fifth European Conference on Organizational Knowledge, Learning, and Capabilities (OKLC) 2003, Innsbruck, CD-ROM.
- Hemetsberger, Andrea and Eva Thelen (2003), "What characterizes 'truly' loyal online shoppers? Modeling the influence of variety seeking, satisfaction, trust and involvement on online-store commitment," in: Darach Turley and Stephen Brown (eds.) European Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 6, 361-367.
- Hemetsberger, Andrea (2003), "Understanding consumers' collective action on the Internet - a definition and discussion of relevant concepts for research," abstract published in: Punam A. Keller and Dennis W. Rook (eds.) Advances in Consumer Research, Vol.30, 161.
- Hemetsberger, Andrea (2002), "Fostering cooperation on the Internet: social exchange processes in innovative virtual consumer communities," extended abstract published in: Susan M. Broniarczyk and Kent Nakamoto (eds.), Advances in Consumer Research, Vol.29, 354-356.
- Hemetsberger, Andrea and Rik Pieters (2001), "When Consumers Produce on the Internet: An Inquiry into Motivational Sources of Contribution to Joint-Innovation," in: Christian Derbaix et al. (eds.) Proceedings of the Fourth International Research Seminar on Marketing Communications and Consumer Behavior, La Londe, 274-291.
- Hemetsberger, Andrea (1999), "Explaining the social basis for the emergence of extreme activity attachment - a social representations perspective," Proceedings of the 28th annual conference of the EMAC 1999 in Berlin: CD-ROM.
- Hemetsberger, Andrea (2012), Crowdsourcing, in: Russell Belk and Rosa Llamas (eds.), The Digital Consumer, Routledge Companion Series, forthcoming.
- Hemetsberger, Andrea (2012), The Democratization of Markets through Participative and Collaborative Practices, in: Lynne Chisholm, Annette Ostendorf, Michael Thoma and Wolfgang G. Weber (eds.), Democratic Competences and Social Practices in Organizations, Vol. 1, forthcoming.
- Hemetsberger, Andrea, Herbert Pretterhofer and Clemens Pirker (2008), "Medienbilder von Schönheit in der Werbung," Reader Medien im Marketing, Gabler Verlag, forthcoming.
- Hemetsberger, Andrea (2008), "Vom Revolutionär zum Unternehmer - die Free und Open-Source Bewegung im Wandel," in: Lutterbeck, Bernd, Bärwolff Matthias und Robert A. Gehring (Hrsg.) Open-Source Jahrbuch 2008, 141-151.
- Mühlbacher, Hans, Christian Engl und Andrea Hemetsberger (2008), "Marken als Soziale Repräsentationen," in: Bauer/Huber/Albrecht (Hrsg.) Erfolgsfaktoren der Markenführung - Know-How aus Forschung und Management, München: Vahlen, 313-327.
- Hemetsberger, Andrea and Christian Reinhardt (2007), "Of Experts and Apprentices - Learning from the KDE community," in: Miltiadis, Lytras and Ambjorn Naeve (eds.). Open Source for Knowledge and Learning Management: Strategies beyond Tools, Idea Group Inc., forthcoming.
- Hemetsberger, Andrea and Johann Füller (2006), "Die Qual der Wahl - Welche Methode führt zu kundenorientierten Innovationen?," in: Matzler, K. H. Hinterhuber (Hrsg.), Kundenorientierte Unternehmensführung, Wiesbaden: Gabler, 399-433.
- Hemetsberger, Andrea and Christian Reinhardt (2006), "Working and Thinking Together in Media Communities: An Open-Source Case Study," in: Barbara Hipfl and Theo Hug (eds.), Media Communities, Tagungsband der internationalen Tagung 'media communities' 2004, Berlin: Waxmann, 273 - 291.
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